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View Component

1. Component Introduction

Custom pages can directly embed individual views from worksheets or forms, allowing for the comparison of statistical charts and important detailed data side by side.

2. How to Add a View

2.1 Enter the edit page of the custom page

2.2 Add a view

2.3 Select the worksheet and view you want to add

Set the component name (Historical Project Evaluation), select the worksheet ​【oaicite:1】​, and choose the view ​【oaicite:0】​.

2.4 Further configure view settings

(1) Data display quantity: You can configure how many data entries to display in the view. If left blank, the default is to display all. (2) Allow new records: By default, new records can be created. If you do not want to allow users to create new records, you can uncheck this option. (3) Search records: By default, record searching is allowed. If there is a small amount of data, you can turn off this option. (4) Open view: If disabled, you cannot click to jump to the corresponding worksheet view page for viewing.

2.5 After saving, you can see the chart