Invoke Business Process
1. Node Introduction
Through this node, encapsulated business processes within the organization can be invoked. Currently, it supports single execution when invoking an encapsulated business process. For more information about encapsulated business processes, please click here to view.
2. Node Settings
2.1 Add Component Node - Invoke Business Process
2.2 Select Business Process
The list displays the encapsulated business processes of this application, and you can also invoke encapsulated business processes from other applications.
2.3 Set Execution Times
Currently, it supports single execution. For example, in a process triggered by a new lead, if you need to query the attribution of a phone number, and in this process, you can only query the phone number of one person, that is a single execution.
2.4 After the Business Process is Executed, Then Start the Next Node
If checked, the subsequent nodes need to use the output parameters of the encapsulated business process, so you must wait until the encapsulated business process is completed before using them.
2.5 Pass Parameters to the Encapsulated Business Process
After selecting the business process, you can see the parameters set under the encapsulated business process, and then you can set the parameters to be passed when invoking the business process. Parameters can be fixed values or selected from fields.