Fetch Single Record
1. Node Functionality
After adding this node to the main process, you can retrieve a single record based on conditions. This record can then be deleted, modified, or used by other nodes in subsequent processes.
2. Retrieval Method
Fetch from a form: Retrieve a specified record from a worksheet.
3. Node Settings
3.1 Add Fetch Single Record Node to the Main Record
3.2 Configure Node
Three settings need to be configured:
- Select Form: Choose which worksheet to search for data.
- Filter Conditions: Set the conditions for the search.
- Sorting Rules: Set which sorting rule to use to fetch the first record.
3.2.1 Choose Which Worksheet to Search for Data
3.2.2 Set the Search Conditions
The condition value for a single condition can be a fixed value entered manually or a dynamic value selected from a previous node object. Supports combination of conditions, where the relationship between different conditions is uniformly "AND" or "OR".
3.3.3 Set Sorting Rules
When multiple records meet the conditions, if a sorting rule is set, the records will be sorted according to the rule, and the first record will be fetched. If no rule is set, the most recently updated record will be retrieved.