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Auto Numbering

Field Introduction

Automatically generates a custom-formatted serial number for each record. For example: C-20221010-001, SAL-ORD-001

Numbering Rules

2.1 Automatic Calculation

2.1.1 Digits

If it's a natural number sequence, it starts from 1 and increments. (Up to 12 digits can be adjusted) If it's a specified number of digits, zeros can be added to make up the insufficient digits.

For example: If the specified number of digits is 5, the sequence of record numbers is: 00001, 00002…99999.

  • If "Fixed Digits" is checked, the numbering starts from 1 when it exceeds the number of digits.
  • If "Fixed Digits" is not checked, the number of digits will automatically increase when the numbering exceeds the set digits.

2.2.2 Reset Cycle

Some businesses may recalculate their numbering from a certain cycle, such as a restaurant's takeout order number, which starts from 1 every day. Reset cycles include: "Daily Reset", "Weekly Reset", "Monthly Reset", "Yearly Reset". Once a reset cycle is set, the system will recalculate from the initial value at the reset time.

Example: If the reset cycle is set to "Daily Reset" and the initial value is 1, then the records added tomorrow will start numbering from 1.

2.2.3 Initial Value

Indicates which number to use as the base for numbering. For example, if the initial value is set to 0, then the first record's number is 0, followed by 1, 2, 3, 4… If the initial value is set to 5, then the subsequent numbers are 6, 7, 8, 9…

Note: If the initial value is 1, and there are already 10 records, the highest number is 10. If you later change the initial value to 100, the new record added after saving will have the number 100 + 10 = 110. If you want the new record's number to start from 100, you can reset the auto numbering, and after resetting, the new record's number will start from 100.

2.2 Fixed Characters

Fixed characters mainly serve two purposes:

  • As a connector

For example: Connecting the creation date and number with a - symbol

  • As an identifier for different business processes to distinguish different business order numbers

For example: The purchase order number PO - 001, the sales receipt number SO - 001

2.3 Submission Time

The submission time of the record, you can choose a preset format or customize the format.

Note: Date Format

Rule SymbolOutput Effect
YearYY98 99 …… 21 22 (Only shows the last two digits of the year)
YYYY1998 1999 ……2021 2022
MonthM1 2 3 …… 11 12
MM01 02 03 …… 11 12 (Numbers less than 10 are prefixed with 0)
MMMJanuary February …… November December
MMMMJanuary February …… November December
DayD1 2 3 …… 29 30 31
DD01 02 03 …… 29 30 31 (Numbers less than 10 are prefixed with 0)
Weekd0 1 …… 5 6
ddSun Mon …… Fri Sat
dddSunday Monday …… Friday Saturday
ddddSunday Monday …… Friday Saturday
Week number within a yearw1 2 3 …… 52 53
ww01 02 03 …… 52 53
QuarterQ1 2 3 4
aam pm
HourH0 1 2 …… 22 23 (Capital letter is 24-hour format)
HH00 01 02 …… 22 23
h1 2 3 …… 10 11 (Lowercase is 12-hour format)
hh01 02 03 …… 10 11
Minutem0 1 2 …… 58 59
mm00 01 02 …… 58 59
Seconds0 1 2 …… 58 59
ss00 01 02 …… 58 59
MillisecondSSS001 002 003 …… 998 999

Configuration Example: Current time = 20220929 17:53:31 029

Configuration ExampleOutput Result
YYYY 年 MM 月 DD 日2022 年 09 月 29 日
YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss20220929 17:53:31
YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss SSS20220929 17:53:31 029

2.4 Form Fields

Fields from worksheets can be referenced to further represent different businesses and processes. Multiple reference fields can be added.

3. Rule Sorting

Click and drag to adjust the order of the auto-numbering rules.

4. Reset Auto-Numbering

Entry: This option is only displayed when the worksheet has auto-numbering.

If a worksheet has multiple auto-numbering fields, the reset auto-numbering supports resetting each auto-numbering individually. It does not reset historical data; the reset is only an initialization of the numbering rules for new records.

Note: For subtables of non-entity worksheets, if auto-numbering is added, the reset numbering function is not applicable to the numbering within the subtable. The auto-numbering of the subtable can only be reset after the subtable is converted into an entity worksheet, in the entity worksheet itself.